Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Android Development: First Things First

To start developing application for Android, you need a development application. It programming term, this development application is called Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

The most popular IDE for Android application development is Android Studio developed by Google itself. It supports coding using Java and Kotlin and is very easy to get into. Since it is very popular, the support from the online community is quite good. If you encounter any issue, google it and you are very likely to find the solution.

The latest version of Android Studio can be downloaded HERE.

Be warned however that the download is quite large and if you have a slow connection it will take awhile to complete.


Welcome to our first blog entry!

Thank you for visiting this blog. The purpose of this blog is for us to share what we have learned and  what we are learning for Android Development.

We will be sharing some code snippets and howtos on Android Development and we can learn together.

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Android Development: First Things First

To start developing application for Android, you need a development application. It programming term, this development application is called...